Exciting News: Launch of Our New Website!

Nikolai Kyriienko
July 4, 2024
A visual representation of website designing process

After months of dedication and hard work, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our newly revamped website at Bark Marine Agency! This project has been a labor of love, and we are excited to share our journey with you.

After months of dedication and hard work, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our newly revamped website at Bark Marine Agency! This project has been a labor of love, and we are excited to share our journey with you.

The Journey of Creation

The process of creating our new website was nothing short of an adventure. We envisioned a platform that would not only serve as a recruitment hub for seafarers and shipowners but also evolve into a comprehensive maritime resource center. Our journey began with countless brainstorming sessions, where we mapped out our vision for a user-friendly, informative, and engaging website.

However, like any great voyage, we encountered a few storms along the way. One significant challenge was finding the right developer to bring our vision to life. This caused a slight delay in our launch, but we are confident that the wait was worth it. With the right team on board, we navigated through the technical complexities and ensured that our website would stand out in the maritime industry.

Committed to Continuous Improvement

We are proud of what we have achieved so far, but we are far from done. Our new website is just the beginning. We are committed to its continuous improvement and development. Our goal is to make the site accessible to everyone, ensuring that it is user-friendly for all visitors, including those with disabilities.

We envision our website becoming a valuable resource not only for seafarers and shipowners but also for anyone interested in maritime activities. Whether you are directly involved in the maritime industry or simply have a passion for the sea, our platform will offer something for you.

In the future, we plan to transform our site into an educational platform with a wealth of maritime materials. These resources will be beneficial for both seasoned mariners and those new to the profession. We are excited to share our roadmap for 2024-2025 soon, outlining our vision and development plans.

Current Website Status

As with any new launch, there are a few minor issues we are working to resolve:

  1. The "sort by" function on the vacancies page is currently not operational.
  2. There is a chance that the "apply" button on job postings may not trigger the pop-up window, requiring a page refresh.
  3. The site has not yet been fully tested on devices with small screen resolutions, although we anticipate minimal issues.

We welcome your feedback to help us improve our website. Please send any comments, suggestions, or screenshots of issues you encounter to my personal email: nikolay.kyriienko@gmail.com. Your input will be invaluable in helping us make the site better for everyone.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments. This is just the beginning—there's much more to come!

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,

Bark Marine Agency Team

Nikolai Kyriienko
Bark Marine Agency Associate Director
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